Site Visited: Seattle Art Museum
Looking for inspiration for my art gallery design, I visited the Seattle Art Museum to view how the museum presented different pieces of art. When walking through the museum, many different presentation
styles where evident. I noticed that there where many moveable walls throughout the different floors, pedestals, class casings, stands, and various usages of lighting.
Every floor had moveable walls that seemed as if they were permanent.
They came in many different colors ranging from white to a rosy red. These different colors created a different effect. The red walls where used to complement a dark collection that was on display. This helped emphasis the dark illusion seen in the paintings.
They had many different types of displays when I visited the
Some of the art was on pedestals,
Then I saw that some art works where on shelves,
and some where on little stands.
The museum also displayed art from walls and ceilings.

When I was looking throughout the museum I only saw one area that had natural light. The windows had a sheet of perforated plastic over them that limited the amount of light that came into the space. However, the natural lighting was an interesting change to see in the space, particularly next to the abstract painting.
Something that I noticed throughout the spaces and the different exhibits was a change in sitting furniture. They seemed to correspond with the theme of the art around them. They even had African themed benches to go with the African exhibit.
When I was walking through the museum I was guided by escalators from floor to floor. These big elements made it evident where I needed to go. The more permanent art exhibits where on the lower floor and the temporary art exhibits where on the higher floors. Placing the more popular art exhibits on the top floors was an interesting way to show the hierarchy in the art pieces.
They had many exhibits there the day I visited:
African art
Chinese, South Asian and Southeast Asian Art
Decorative arts
European art
Japanese and Korean Art
Modern art
Native and Mesoamerican Art
and many others.
Each of these collections of art had their own amount of space. Some art collections had only about 400 sq ft and then their where others that had up to 5000 sq ft. The size of the exhibit seemed to depend on the size, type of art, and importance of the exhibit. For example, paintings need less space than some sculptures, and little trinkets need less space then paintings.