When I was in Seattle, I was given a chance to go on an Urban Sketch Crawl. We where at the olympic sculpture park sketching some of the art work. We joins some great artist that day, it was interesting to see these people at work. I met and talked to two out of the, I believe five artist.I met David Hingtgen a designer and a sketch artist. He was vary kind and had some good information he shared with me. It was interesting to learn that he was a bit color blind, but yet to see how vivid hes works are.

I also met Frank Ching, a person I did not expect to met at of all people. To meet the guy that wrought the book on sketching for most designers. It was a bit intimidation, but he was a kind person who gave some great advice. I hope to go one day on another sketch crawl with these artist to get better and to learn from some masters in their craft.
And these two sketch are some of the of the sketches I drew that day.

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